Witches’ Night Out

Join the fun on Witches’ Night, Thursday, October 17, from 6-9 p.m.

The Dancing Eye Gallery will be hosting three artists that night:

Call the store to sign up for a tarot reading with Erin Accomando from 6-9 p.m.! Twenty minutes for only $20.

Jen Lootens will also be here from 6-9-p.m. with some spooky jewelry:

Judy Rizzo of Skelly fame will be here surrounded by Skelly’s of all themes!

Halfway to Halloween!

Join us this Saturday, June 8 from 12-5 p.m. for our first ever Halfway to Halloween Show! Meet horror author Walt Esselman, candle maker Wicked Wicks, artists Kate Bashaw and Unearthly Concoctions, and a spooky barista from Sweet Brew in Northville!

Book by Walt Esselman
Candles by Wicked Wicks
Print by Kate Bashaw
Ashtrays by Unearthly Concoctions

And don’t forget that grad in your life while you enjoy the show!

Two Events This Week at DEG!

The first event is this Thursday, October 13 from 6-8 p.m. during Witches Night in downtown Northville. The Dancing Eye Gallery will host artist Judy Rizzo creator of those “adorable” Skellys! Don’t miss this!

So put on your pointy hat and get in a witchy mood!

Coming: Information on Friday’s event. Keep scrolling

You made it!

This Friday, October 14, the Dancing Eye Gallery is hosting author Walter Esselman from 6-8 p.m. Walter will bring along signed copies of his two popular books and more of his inspirational cat postcards. Come and hear about the motivation behind his books and postcards!

Northville’s Victorian Heritage Festival

Gather in downtown Northville on September 16, 17 and 18 for the Victorian Heritage Festival to celebrate the community. Shop, dine and play; reminisce and learn about the rich history of the town.

The Dancing Eye Gallery has been a well-known name in Northville for some time, highlighting local art, so come in to see us!

Greeting card