Year of the Tiger

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of the Tiger begins on February 1. Those born in the tiger year are said to be natural leaders, strong, assertive, brave and inspiring. If you were born in 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1998 or 2010 you were born during the Year of the Tiger. The Dancing Eye Gallery can help with some gift ideas for a tiger-year birthday.

The Wolf Moon

Though this first full moon of the new year (visible tonight through Wednesday morning), is often nicknamed the Wolf Moon and thought to be connected to wolves’ increased howling in the cold winter months due to hunger, we now know that wolves’ howling is more of a territorial act as they make their presence known. Howl if you must, but know, too, that astrologically this January moon (aka Ice Moon, Old Moon, Snow Moon) brings a sense of self-illumination as in ‘new year, new me.” A time to be a bit more introspective and to nurture yourself. Nurturing … a perfect segue to Valentine’s Day! The moon can say many things in love and be very romantic!

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