Live the Hygge Lifestyle

The definition of hygge (pronounced hooga): A quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being. From Danish culture.

The Dancing Eye Gallery helps to connect the ways you can live hygge with some of the selections found in our store:

Light some candles

Light a Fire

Put on Comfy Clothes

Take a Walk

Ride a Bike

Share a Meal

Drink Something Hot

Read a Book

Summer Is …

The Mackinac Bridge.

The bridge is currently the fifth longest suspension bridge in the world. It’s colors are painted with Federal Standard Foliage Green and Ivory. It connects Michigan’s Upper and Lower peninsulas. Mark your calendars for the 2021 Mackinac Bridge Walk on Labor Day, September 6. But just to get you in the mood, see a selection of Mackinac items at the Dancing Eye Gallery below.

Summer’s Here!

Today being the first day of summer makes us feel like vacationing! Whether you are stocking up the camper or driving up north in Michigan, the Dancing Eye Gallery ia stocking up, too, with host/hostess gifts, cabin decor, and birthday and anniversary gifts that bring the outdoors and nature to mind. Happy trails!

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