Meet the local author behind the jewelry Susan Collick live and in person at the Dancing Eye Gallery this Friday, June 2 from 6 to 8 p.m. This is a trunk show and will feature a variety of her jewelry, current and new. Not to be missed!

Meet the local author behind the jewelry Susan Collick live and in person at the Dancing Eye Gallery this Friday, June 2 from 6 to 8 p.m. This is a trunk show and will feature a variety of her jewelry, current and new. Not to be missed!
Get your garden gloves ready! This Friday and Saturday is Northville’s annual flower sale in the streets downtown. The Dancing Eye Gallery is full of flower power, too, but no work needed – just enjoyment! Our Other Side will be open this weekend for double fun!
Dancing Eye Gallery is having a very colorful event this weekend! Don’t miss it!