Brave the cold – or stay warm indoors!

Brave the cold – or stay warm indoors!
Certain streets in downtown Northville will participate in a free trick or treat event on Saturday, 10/26 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dancing Eye Gallery will be participating in Treats of Streets. Come early!
Join in the festivities in downtown Northville on Thursday, April 25 from 6-9 p.m. Wear your favorite derby hat for the contest in town!
Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 30 from 6-9 p.m. We’ll be open for late shopping, including more fun throughout downtown! Gather with friends!
In case you’re wondering, the Discovery Channel is airing programs about sharks all week long. Shark Week began 35 years ago and is still popular. In keeping with this particular fish theme, the Dancing Eye Gallery offers some fun shark art!
The Dancing Eye Gallery will be at Motor City Nightmares this weekend, July 28-30 featuring some of our products. But don’t worry, our store will be open regular hours!
Wherever your life under the stars takes you this summer, we can help make it memorable!
Get your garden gloves ready! This Friday and Saturday is Northville’s annual flower sale in the streets downtown. The Dancing Eye Gallery is full of flower power, too, but no work needed – just enjoyment! Our Other Side will be open this weekend for double fun!
Join in the fun this weekend in downtown Northville – the Buy Michigan Now festival is back! Hours are: Friday, 8/5 from 4-8 p.m.; Saturday, 8/6 from 10-8 p.m.; Sunday, 8/7 from 10-4 p.m. Check this link for more information: https://buymichigannow.com/events/bmnfest-northville/
Many more Michigan artists can be found at the Dancing Eye Gallery – it’s what we’re all about! See a sampling of our local artists’ creations below …
Gifts for grads and teachers are multiplying at the Dancing Eye Gallery!